Anttiveikko Koivumäki

Dental Specialist

Anttiveikko Koivumäki

Dental Specialist

I graduated as a dentist from the University of Oulu in 2005. After graduation, I began to specialise in oral and maxillofacial surgery and graduated as an oral and maxillofacial surgeon from the University of Tampere at the beginning of January 2013. I left my position as Deputy Chief Dentist at Tampere University Hospital in 2019 and transferred to the private sector. I have over 10 years of experience in demanding maxillofacial surgery at a university hospital. I have performed dental implant surgery since 2005. In the private sector, I have focused on implant treatments as well as bone and soft tissue graft surgery in connection with implant treatments. In addition, I perform many wisdom tooth removals and treat and diagnose mucous membrane diseases. I also have extensive experience in treating patients with dental fear, which is part of being an oral surgeon.

Special expertise

  • Oral and maxillofacial surgery
  • Dental implants

Language skills

  • English
  • Finnish
  • Finnish

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Clinics to a specialist Anttiveikko Koivumäki

Tampere, Sumeliuksenkatu
Sumeliuksenkatu 18 B, 33100 Tampere