Hannele Pernu

Dental Specialist

Hannele Pernu

Dental Specialist

I provide my patients with comprehensive care and listen to their needs. In addition to my own areas of expertise, I also perform basic dental care, such as fillings, root canal therapy, ceramic fillings and crowns, occlusal splints, fibre-reinforced bridges and fixed and removable prostheses. Every day, I treat gum diseases and provide occlusal rehabilitation services, such as gum surgery, treatment of gingival recession and treatment of inflammations in the tissue adjacent to implants.

I am a friendly, careful and gentle dentist.

Special expertise

  • Aesthetic dental care
  • Gingival diseases
  • Ceramic fillings and crowns
  • Fillings and root canal therapy
  • Prosthodontics

Happy to be of service

  • Patients with dental fear
  • The elderly

Language skills

  • English
  • English
  • Finnish

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Clinics to a specialist Hannele Pernu

Oulu, Galleria
Uusikatu 23, 90100 Oulu