At Oral, we measure customer satisfaction regularly. We measure it after appointments and arrange larger customer satisfaction measurements regularly.

Post-appointment customer satisfaction survey (NPS)

Customers receive a customer satisfaction survey (NPS) by SMS or email after their appointments. The customer satisfaction survey includes sections about the customer’s satisfaction and likelihood of recommending Oral’s services to others.  The customer satisfaction survey helps us to develop the customer’s experience and our operations.

Content of the message:

Thank you for visiting Oral Hammaslääkärit! On a scale of 0–10, how likely would you recommend Oral and the health care professional who treated you to your friends and acquaintances on the basis of your service experience? (0=not at all, 10=very likely)”

The survey is sent to for random sampling one day after an appointment. Replying to the customer satisfaction survey is always voluntary.

What does NPS mean and how are the results applied?

NPS is a common and globally used measurement tool that can be used to study customer experience and the likelihood of recommending the service to friends and acquaintances. Customers reply to the message with a grade of 1–10 (0 = I do not recommend at all, 10 = I would recommend very likely).

The grades are divided into three groups: recommendations (9–10), passive (7–8) and critics (0–6).

How can customers decline the survey?

You can decline the survey by sending us a message using the customer feedback form. The survey can be also declined at our clinics or by calling our centralised booking services on 010 400 3400.