White spot treatment

Fading out or removing bothersome patches on teeth.

White spot treatment

Fading out or removing bothersome patches on teeth.

Teeth can sometimes have white or brown patches, stripes or other discolouration. This can be congenital enamel damage or caused by excessive fluoride from drinking water or orthodontic treatment. They may bother in incisors or other teeth that are visible when smiling. These patches can be faded out or even removed altogether with white spot treatment.

Teeth before and after white spot treatment.


White spot treatment process

In white spot, or resin infiltration, treatment, the tooth’s surface goes through a chemical process. The treatment does not harm the tooth or cause pain.  Teeth whitening is recommended before white spot treatment as it improves the outcome.  Whitening your teeth approximately one week before the white spot treatment provides the best results.

White spot treatment can be performed on one tooth or several teeth at a time. If the result is not sufficient after one treatment, it can be repeated. The outcome of white spot treatment is permanent and does not require maintenance. White spot treatment can be performed also on children.

What should I take into account when booking an appointment?

If your suitability for white spot treatment has not been assessed in connection with a recent appointment, book your appointment for a free whitening assessment first.

The whitening assessment includes an examination of the mouth and teeth for the treatment and will provide you with more information about the treatment. The treatment can only be conducted on a clean and healthy mouth. Gingivitis must be treated and tartar removed before the treatment.

Whitening may improve the result of the white spot treatment, but it is not recommended if you are under 18 or pregnant or nursing.

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